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Abnormal functioning of kidney causes ESRD.
 ESRD occurs when kidney is not in state of proper functioning and life depends on dialysis and transplant. This type of kidney failure is permanent. It can’t be fixed. Diabetes and Hypertension are main causes of ESRD. Other reasons of ESRD are some reactions to medicines, injuries and some are born with us. Dialysis or a kidney transplant t is necessary to live in ESRD.

             Heaviness on head
             Decreased amount of urination
             Loss of weight
             Pain in bones
             Disturbance in menstrual periods
             Change in colour of skin
             Changes in nail
             Swelling of the hands & feet
             Numbness in the hands & feet

Urine & blood test should be done in ESRD. These tests measure levels of creatinine and urea nitrogen in the urine and blood.
Blood test: Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (e GFR) is for creatinine.
GFR is the flow rate of filtered fluid through the kidneys from the renal glomerular capillaries into the Bowman’s capsule / unit time.
If estimated GFR is less than 15 then it is considered to be ESRD.
Risk factors
The persons who are suffering from following are at the high risk of ESRD:

             Chronic kidney disease (CKD)
             Injury or trauma to the kidneys
             Major blood loss


Different complications are associated with kidney disease that sometimes contribute to worsen the condition of the patient.

             High risk of infection
             Rise in level of potassium

Difference between CKD & ESRD

CKD occurs when there is permanent damage to the kidney. Kidney may still work well enough for patient to live, even if they have some damage. 

CKD can lead to kidney failure (ESRD) when functioning of both the kidney get worse. In ESRD the kidney do not work well enough for you to live.

 Can ESRD be reversed?
In ESRD, nephrons are damaged in large number which leads to low kidney function. The damaged part of kidney is able to be repaired with the help of right treatment.
How can ESRD be reversed?
In modern medicines, there are 2 choices for patients with ESRD i.e. Dialysis & Kidney transplant.
There are different Alternative Treatment options available. Ayurveda  provides an alternative of dialysis & kidney transplant. In Ayurvedic  kidney treatment, patient’s kidney disease is controlled by herbal medicine, diet plan & lifestyle.
Ayurveda helps to recover the kidney from ESRD. There are many herbs which repair the renal parenchyma & stop further damage of kidney. Due to this, kidney will slowly and gradually start its functioning as before. Ayurvedic medicine also decrease the level of urea & creatinine.
Glomerular filteration rate decreases because of ESRD which results in the accumulation of excess water, salt & toxic products in the body. Ayurvedic herbs also help to eliminate these toxins from the body.
Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure  just not works to suppress the symptoms as allopathic treatment. It works to eliminate the root cause of disease. It helps to treat hypertension & diabetes which are major cause of ESRD. Natural herbs which are used to prepare ayurvedic medicine has best properties to overcome the bad effects of disease & to treat the disease. These all facts are scientifically proven.
Some ayurvedic herbs which help to treat ESRD are Crataeva nurvela, Boerhaavia diffusa & Tribulus terrestris).
Prevention from ESRD

ESRD is not preventable in some patients. The leading cause of CKD is Diabetes and Hypertension. By controlling these 2 factors kidney can be prevented from ESRD.

Kidneys can be protected by following these healthy habits:

             Have regular checkups with doctor.
             Eat a low fat, low salt diet.
             Exercise regularly.
             Avoid tobacco.
             Drink alcohol only in moderation.


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