Diabetic Nephropathy
Nephropathy – Nephro refers to kidney and Pathy means disorder
in particular part of the body. So Nephropathy means damage to kidney.
Diabetic Nephropathy refers to damage to kidney caused by prolonged
uncontrolled status of sugar in blood.
have many tiny blood vessels that filter waste material from your blood. High
levels of blood sugar can destroy these blood vessels
and kidneys become unable to perform its functions normally. It leads to
accumulation of waste materials in the body and excretion of excess protein
through urine. Gradually it may stop working completely, this is called kidney failure or renal failure.
Risk factors
-- Long standing diabetes and uncontrolled status
-- Hypertension
--High cholesterol
--patients who have family history of renal disease.
in hands and feet (shoaf)
in blood pressure due to advanced structural damage to the kidneys
appearance of urine (fenmeha) caused by proteinuria ------
/vomiting (avipakam and chardi)
body weight gain from fluid accumulation.
--Frequent hiccups (hikka)
analysis shows glucose in urine.
test positive. Normal range less than 30mg /24hrs
in Serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen levels
later on if required with progress in renal dysfunctioning
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