Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure
According to Ayurveda, kidney failure is caused by the blockage of minute body channels called sarotas. The body channels involved in kidney failure are known as mutravaha srotas (channels to control excretory system) which carry urine and are responsible for the flow of liquid(blood) into and out of the kidneys. Due to blockages in the incoming srotas, the kidneys denied fluids and shrinkage occurs. The blockage of outgoing channels causes swelling. We do Ayurvedic treatment of kidney failure which clean these channels and reduce swelling and rejuvenates the kidneys. Our treatment aims to strengthen and improve function of kidneys, helps to restore its filtration capacity. This line of treatment can eliminate the need for dialysis. Our treatment of Kidneyfailure is based on three principles: · Treating the damaged kidney epithelium. · Treating the body tissues...